The D-T-D of Business Philosophy




The D-T-D of Business Philosophy


This article may sound very simple and straight to the point but you must realize that until you imbibe whatever you must have learnt you cannot be said to be benefitted in any way.


The D-T-D of business philosophy as I will be sharing in a short while seeks to brainwash you if you like or possibilitise you mentality and will ginger your swagger into action


D-means to Dream. Many of us have lofty dreams, ideas and aspiration but they all stopped at the level of dreaming. Nothing can be achieved by just dreaming. No wonder a popular adage says ‘if wishes were houses, beggar would ride and poor man’s cottage will be king’ palace’ Your dream must be big enough to keep you awake working to achieve it except of course, your own dream is to be a dream killer i.e. to destroy other people.


T-means to think. Very good number of people are good thinkers, in-fact it is popularly said that the hardest job in the world is to think. But until we feel the impact of your thinking, it can well be said to be thinking in futility. People mistake thinking for planning, but it is not even that, there is an aspect of planning where serious thinking is involved but planning in it self if not thinking in isolation.


D-means to Do. Until you take action and continue to take actions every step of the way, your dream and thinking cannot amount to anything. This appears to be the most herculean of the whole process in achieving business success.


Will Rogers said even if you’re on the right path you must keep moving forward otherwise you’ll be crushed because you are not the only one of the right path.


The very irony of the whole stuff is this: “Information is not Knowledge” Albert Einstein. Let me illustrate with this analogy. Information is to hear that rats are been killed. Knowledge is to know that rats can be killed and probably how to kill the rat. Wisdom is how you succeeded in killing the rats with what you knew about killing of rats. Knowledge is what you know that gives you an edge while wisdom is having an edge after applying what you know.


All of us at least fall under one for the 7 categories of individual in the attachment in this article:


Where do you belong? The best time to start a business was 20 years ago and the next time to also start same business is NOW.


Yours Sincerely,


Emmanuel Idenyi-Shaibu ICEN, NIMN


The Millennium Entrepreneur




Federal Lowcost, Jos


Plateau State.


Business Digest

Bu$iN€$$ Dig€$t: Investment is like farming and hunting. Farming is longterm, while hunting is short term.

Bu$iN€$$ Dig€$t will provide a guide on when to do a long term business-farming or when to do a brisk business-hunting. And until you’ve sure of the end you aren’t qualified to start. Just like Jesus Christ practically ‘farmed’ our salvation for us. Heb 12:1… for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross, despised the shame. This is an ever true guide to successful farming

Bu$iN€$$ Dig€$t: No great or big business you see today that didn’t start small, not even one. This generation has decided to twist the hand of God to in a bid to fast track their achievement, how untrue they are to themselves. The Holy Bible says ‘though your beginning be small, your latter end will greatly increase’, which was why it also gave a caveat that ‘despise not the days of little beginnings’, also it said ‘he that is faithful in little, much more shall be committed into your hands’. Needless to say that the Bible is a complete manual for our life, therefore study to show yourself approved unto God, a workman that needed not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth. ‘Bishop David Oyedepo said, you are permitted to start small, but you are not permitted to remain small.’ Because you came 1st in class in JS1 does not mean you should be promoted to SS3 to face WAEC. Take time to climb the ladder, don’t jump to the top. Even if you say you want accelerated promotion, excuse me please, its not your business to accelerate it its simply ‘GAP’ God’s Accelerated Promotion. Go & start small today and see what God will do to that little beginning.

Bu$iN€$$ Dig€$t: God is a Business God. We shall consider the businessman attribute/personality of God today. God is the first ever investor & He remains the best. He said be fruitful and multiply; replenish the earth, meaning He expects an increase or a return. Its wasn’t for lack of where to direct the river to that he directed 4 rivers into the garden of Eden, neither also not because, one river cannot sufficiently take care of Eden, because He is God, He created all things so that we will not have excuses not to invest. Four solid income streams was first taught by God our creator.  Do you think He didn’t feel the pains when He invested Jesus Christ to get us saved? Infact that was the best He could offer, and look @ the returns of investing just 1 Jesus over 2000years ago. So many ‘Jesuses’ whom He clearly said we are to do greater. Until you give your best, you cannot get the best out of your investment & if you think what you have now is not good enough, go & ask the servant in the Parable of the talents, it will be surely taken away and added to the person that traded with his & yielded returns. Until you allow the corn of wheat to fall down & die(investment) it abideth alone.

Bu$iN€$$ Dig€$t: You cannot succeed in a venture you have not been trained. Like I always tell people, every business has its tricks and until you are initiated as it were into it, you will fall prey of the tricks therein. It is what you know that gives you an edge. That is KNOWLEDGE. Money is not the most important requirement for starting or succeeding in Business, it is the idea, knowledge & understanding of where to rightly invest this money that is key. Whose says you can’t learn at any age? We actually stop learning when we breathe our last here on earth. Go and ask a grandfather @ 70 whom I prefer to be anonymous, who was called to the Nigerian Bar at that age with his last child last year in Nigeria, and guess what, he’s practicing as we speak. God will naturally empower you in the area of your core competence; check out Peter the great fisherman, God blessed his fishing business when he had that explosive catch-what a breakthrough. What of Paul-a lawyer, God garnished his speech, & he wrote majority of the books in New Testament. It is what you have in your hands that God will use, multiply it and yield results for you. God isn’t a magicians and He’ll not become one because of our laziness, un-preparedness. You will not be able to handle the breakthrough when it comes so it will amount to waste and been a profit conscious God, He knows where to allocate such breakthrough, that’s  why He said gather the fragments after feeding over 5000pple and there were 12baskets full left over, who do u think went away with the 12baskets?? Send in your responses, we’ll continue tomorrow.

Bu$iN€$$ Dig€$t: The Boy! He invested into the lives of people, business-wise: You cannot get returns if you don’t invest and invest correctly. He would have also shared the meal with a few friends, that’s investment also, they would have said, O boy, thanks, na you save us today, which is also a returns  (psychological gratification), but the boy saw beyond the ordinary, he took a greater risk, he invested in the Kingdom where mot cannot destroy. The boy automatically got 12 messengers, because the disciples who were Personal Assistants to Jesus where the ones who gathered the leftovers. You will wonder how come this small boy knew what to do? He possibly wasn’t the only one in the crowd with a little food to eat? Tutelage, he must have been taught by his Parents and waiting for an opportunity to try it out. Therefore, train up a child in the way he should go and when he’s old.. Since 2008 by the grace of God, I have been paying tithes for my children, so its not possible for God to forget that investment in His Kingdom, because He is not a taskmaster neither is He a debtor. If you choose to rationalize because of your academic stands, I pity you; you must have been the one who rationalized your blessings away. Go & invest in the Kingdom of God today, go to your local assembly & find something to do. There’s always something to do.

Bu$iN€$$ Dig€$t: Every business or Investment has its gestation/maturity period. You don’t expect a Mango tree to yield it fruits the same period with a Tomato plant. The understanding of every investment period will make you not to engage in inappropriate comparing which amounts to an exercise in futility. Jesus Christ didn’t rush into turning water into wine & when He did, the wine was adjudged the best in the ceremony. It was reserved for the last & people wondered why?  Infact when they wanted Him to beat the gun, He simply said my time has not come. What this tell us is that, something good doesn’t come easy. Let us understand Investment Timing and  that dividend and profit are not one and the same even though both are returns on investment.  Judas Iscariot was a certified accountant who managed the treasury for Jesus, but he couldn’t  reap the dividend of his sojourn with the Master, he was interested in immediate profit. We saw how he ended. What kind of returns do you seek? Profit or Dividend?

Bu$iN€$$ Dig€$t: The height of Success in Business is determined by the depth of preparation: Beloved we are in an era of ill-prepared people who run into venture, no wonder great has always been their fall. Btwn when David was anointed king to when he smelt the throne, it took 13yrs, he needed to be under tutelage; btwn when Joseph dreamt of his glorious future & when he became PM in Egypt it took 17yrs; beloved it took 21yrs after the mantle hit Elisha to come into limelight, even the father of faith sir, it took 25yrs after God gave His promise of a child to manifest. God is the best advocate for proper preparation, that’s why the entire venture He’s involved in succeeds very well. If you don’t have anyone as a businessman whom you report to and seek for counsel you will soon fail. I can tell you categorically that, being in business, I have mentors whom I submit myself to for guidance, tutelage, rebuke, re proof, correction and in some cases outright cancellation of plans. It is to the end that I speak to us, that as long as you seek the right guidance you will surely find it. There’s no way you can bypass the process & expect to prosper. The Pastor of your Church is not more anointed than you, it is the preparation he has subjected himself to that makes the difference. Are you ready to pay the PRICE of preparation & enjoy the PRIZE of success?

Bu$iN€$$ Dig€$t: The Blessing of God makes rich:  Not all rich people are blessed. In fact riches is not synonymous with blessing. The blessing of God is unequivocally present in all condition & location. Before Joseph swam in riches he was long blessed. A blessed man is a change agent. Its the blessings of God on your business that is contagious and not the riches you gather up. Among his People, in the Pit, Portiphar’ house, Prison, he was blessed, it was in the Palace that the Blessings of God manifested the riches of God in him. Dearly Beloved, until God blesses you, you cannot be rich. So what do you crave for, the Blessing or the riches? Yours-in-Business: CEO Emmab Global Concept; Emmanuel Idenyi-Shaibu Esq. follow me on twitter @EIdenyi, or
The number one reason why people may not be wealthy is foolishness. It’s possible to be holy and foolish! It’s also very possible to be holy, pure and righteous but foolish by not planning ahead. Be wise! The holy writ say, I am the God that gives Power to get wealth. The power is what God has long released and not wealth, you are to use the power released to make wealth.

Bu$iN€$$ Dig€$t: If you fail in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Why? Because you didn’t know. The bible says, they that know their God shall be strong & shall do exploits. The quality of your business exploit is a function of how much you know. How do you know? By reading, studying, training, learning and practicing it. That’s why the Bible also put it that, study to show yourself approved unto God a workman, that needs not be ashamed…that is to say studying is not for lazy people, its not for people who are ashamed to pummel themselves in all ways to learn. We have a bunch of people who feel that because there’s not price tag for the seminar its not worth it. It might be free but definitely not cheap. The fact that you had F9 in Maths in SS1 didn’t not stop you from facing it in WAEC, you braised up to it, the fact that DANA crash did not mean we shouldn’t  fly again. Hear this; that you lost money to a ‘wonderbank’ doesn’t mean there are no more good & better investment windows. The Salvation decision you take today may look stupid to all, but its to secure your destiny & future.

Larry  Wall says ‘the road to success is always under construction’ Life itself is a going concern and until you breathe  your last there is no room for giving up.

“You cannot reign in the area you are not trained.” Emmanuel Idenyi-Shaibu

“A gift you don’t service cannot not serve you” Emmanuel Idenyi-Shaibu


NB: These are a compilation of some of my write ups on Business Digest

Yours Sincerely,

Emmanuel Idenyi-Shaibu ICEN, NIMN

The Millennium Entrepreneur


Federal Lowcost, Jos

Plateau State.


The 7 Ps that affect the Purpose of a Man

Failure is only a bus-stop in the journey to success. When the Purpose of a thing is not known abuse is surely inevitable.

What then is Purpose? It is simply the reason for which something exists or is done or created. Bible says we are created to dominate and subdue the earth. We are not created to be oppressed. We are definitely created to be successful people in all ramifications in our chosen endeavour. Many of us have hitherto failed to continue in the journey because of one failed attempt or misfortune. By the end of this series using the example of the life of Joseph in the Bible you will take dressing and know where you fit into and go back and either start all over or continue from where you left off. God’s Presence will go with you and He’ll give you rest


The Ps are:


People: Your own very people can be very instrumental to achieving your purpose. Joseph’s siblings didn’t just like him; they wondered how a small boy can be this endowed. It was his people who threw him into the pit, who also sold him. Expect betrayal and expect to be sold cheaply. @0 pieces of silver was the amount he was sold. I am not surprise. People will try to water-down your destiny or purpose. But don’t bee surprised, they weren’t the ones that dreamt it was you, so they can’t see what you saw. The enemies of a man are people of his household.


Pit: The pit was also part of the destiny push for Joseph, many of us today may not agree, but I say until you have been throw into some kind of pit and remain helpless, God will not show up for you. Until you cannot rely on you own intellect and submit totally to God, He will not help you while you are giving your own suggestions.


Potiphar: In slavery, God was evidently with Joseph. God does not have a preference for nice places; He is with people he has purpose for. His slave master whom he obeyed and served was also a destiny push for him. All that Joseph did in Potiphar’s house prospered. He served him diligently and dutifully, but we know what happened when his wife wanted him to lie with him, Joseph was quick to understand that this wasn’t in consonance with the plan to achieve his purpose; he rather preferred to suffer the reproach, than drag the name of God in the mud and disobey his master. Many of our youths today will say, since my master is an unbeliever, let me deal with him. For Joseph he knew where his faithfulness to his master  stopped and wasn’t ready to go further than that, and when it got to where he’ll disobey God and please his master’s wife he stood his ground and he landed in the Prison.


Prison: It is possible for you to be dealt with for what you sincerely do not know anything about. Joseph went to Prison because of an offence he didn’t commit and to worsen the matter he didn’t even have an attorney to stand for him. At this point he would have said, I doubt if it was God that showed me the dream I had, but Joseph understood purpose. Joseph became PA to the warden. When God is with you, prison cannot be the same as everyone. Prison becomes your bridge to the palace.


Pharaoh: While in the Prison, God connected Joseph to someone that needed what he has also has what he needed. God troubled Pharaoh to the point that all his magicians were incapacitated on what to do. Can you beat that? Joseph had interpretation of dream and needed to be free from Prison and Pharaoh needed his dreams to be interpreted with a handsome reward awaiting such a person. When it is time for God to show up for you, he will render everyone useless and make only you relevant, important and to be sort after. This is where I say that everyone has something of value to offer, can you see that interpretation of dream got someone a throne. The person that doesn’t have something to offer is someone who is properly dead. Many of us have made ourselves dead while still living, by rendering our God’s given potential dormant or inactive. Hear this: as little as you think your gift is, it is what someone is looking for to secure the needed breakthrough of his life. A gift you don’t service cannot serve you. You can just go and pick it up when you like or something.


Prime Minister: But may I tell you this, when you work for more than you are paid you will soon be paid for more that you work. Look at Joseph; will you say the interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream was what delivered the breakthrough to him? Not at all. God only used that to reward his years of training and preparation for the palace


Palace: Haven’t you realize that when you repay good for evil, the heat of the coal of fire in the heart of your oppressors is much more than that of the coal tar. It’s difficult to pay good for evil, but as the Bible commanded there’s is no better conviction than that. When someone that has hurt you and is expecting you to treat him as a slave comes for help and he is disappointed with the fantastic treatment rendered to him, that person has been won for God automatically


He never used the instrumentality or the paraphernalia of his office to deal with his people, rather he used it to bless them and profit them, because he understood his purpose.

Jesus Christ didn’t also use the instrumentality of His placement in the Trinity to deal with the people that persecuted Him, he rather prayed for them.

What is your understanding of your purpose today??


Conclusively, it took Joseph 17yrs from when he dreamt to when he got to the Palace as a Prime Minister. Are you ready to work out your purpose? You must diligence, dedication, doggedness, discipline, determination, dutiful and deafness.

The Futility of a Pay Cheque


Traditionally, this has been the cash or cheque received by an employee for services given to an employer.

What makes a pay cheque useless?

  • It is so constant that you will think it will always come. It will surely stop one day. If you don’t leave the pay cheque job one day the pay cheque job will leave you.
  • It confers on you an ephemeral sense of security.
  • It also confers on you the fact that you can always buy what you want as long as the pay is non-stop.
  • It prevents a lot of people from having a financial budget or/and having it and not sticking to the budget.
  • It has also made people to issue post dated cheques over a period of time. That is buying your future as it where, to be enjoyed now.
  • Because of its consistency, people have totally lost the saving culture and of course because you cannot save you are not safe.
  • It is seen as too small to do any other thing apart from spending it.
  • The best way to save money and be safe is not to leave it in a bank account; it is to commit it to a worthy venture. The little boy with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes, committed his lunch pack unto a worthy venture and he became a distributor minutes later starting with 12 baskets. How did he know how to invest @ that age? He must have been taught by his Parent or….?
  • No matter how small a pay cheque amount is after you pay tithe unto God, you must save something before you begin to spend.
  • If you are not faithful in a little you cannot not possibly be faithful in much.
  • If possible an escrow account. An escrow account is where money is safe away from you but you cannot place an immediate demand on the use of it.
  • It makes you go on a shopping spree and this leads to impulsive buying. And like one of the richest individual on planet earth said “if you buy what you don’t need now, you will soon sell what you need”.
  • Another futility about it is that your employer makes you feel that you cannot survive without the pay cheque. A big lie that has been orchestrated to pollute your mind.
  • If you rely on pay cheque you can never be rich. Check it out.  None of the rich people in the world are salary earners, they are all Business Owners and Investors, and that is to say you can never be rich as an employee.
  • Because of the consistent pay cheque, you put in man hours that make other areas of your life suffer greatly, like the home-front and your spiritual life. May I say this; there can never be effective work life balance as been preached by employers if you put in half of 24hrs of your time daily on a pay cheque job. You are seen as not putting in your best and when you request for a recess you are grudgingly granted and before you know it you might even be recalled back for leave when you had handed over to someone before proceeding.
  • I was once told by a senior colleague that “the fat pay cheque I am receiving monthly is also to accommodate the insults I receive in the course of the job” how futile is this, but that is the mentality of most employers if not all.
  • A common futility about it also is that, colleagues compare themselves with each other. E.g. if this person of my grade whom will receive same pay can buy this, I should be able to afford it too. The Holy Writ says, they that compare themselves with themselves are not wise.
  • You eagerly wait for the pay every month and once there seem to be a bit of delay you begin to get jittery.
  • The pay cheque has been so structured in such a way that you will hardly see any item on your pay-slip as an allowance for investment.
  • The employer makes you believe that you are indispensable and therefore no one else can do the job like you, in fact, they will begin to call you a utility staff.
  • Its also doesn’t allow you learn other areas of job, no job rotation and this becomes boring because of its  stereotype nature and no satisfaction anymore from what you are doing.
  • This has also made many people experts as it were in what they are doing and some have contemplated fraud while some have actually perpetrated fraud.
  • It is left for you now to see beyond the pay cheque and begin to think of what you can use to secure the future of your life after the pay cheque ceases.
  • You must be able to keep something away from you to be able to fall back on when the work is no more there or you are no more able to work.


Yours Sincerely,

Emmanuel Idenyi-Shaibu ICEN, NIMN

The Millennium Entrepreneur


Federal Lowcost, Jos

Plateau State.